Can childbirth be safer, more comfortable and even sometimes painless? YES! Learn more at the official HypnoBirthing Institute website.
Fearless Birthing™ Blog
This is where I put interesting birthing videos and spout off about (mostly) birthy stuff.
Iowa Birth Org
Pregnant in Iowa? This should be your very first resource!
Iowa Doula Agency
The first and only of the kind in Iowa!
Willowsong Midwifery
My favorite free-standing birth center in Iowa.
Birthing Midwifery
My favorite midwife practicing in Michigan.
My favorite free-standing birthing center in Wisconsin.
Aurora Health, Oshkosh
My favorite hospital-based midwifery practice in Wisconsin.
Fox Valley Wellness Center/Midwest Hyperbarics™
Learn about the many integrative wellness options are offered at Fox Valley Wellness Center/Midwest Hyperbarics in Fond du Lac, WI. Find out what other options there are to optimize health!
Fond du Lac Center for Spirituality and Healing
The FCSH offers a wide variety of classes and resources for personal growth. They also have a great library and store that carries natural products, essential oils and books.
Mark’s Daily Apple
Mark Sisson's website is a fantastic resource on the very latest in health research.
Healthy Indulgences
I extol the virtues of this website to nearly everyone I meet. The young college student who maintains this site, full of YUMMY gluten- and sugar-free recipes is a genius! My life is enriched for having found this site...and my taste buds and smaller butt thank her!
Homefirst Metabolic Syndrom Protocol
Like me, Dr. Eisenstein has lost a lot of weight using Dr. Simeons' Hcg protocol basics and created his own program to help others do the same. (And I personally think it's perfect that he's also attended so many homebirths! Sort of an odd combination to have in common!)
A page on how to protect infants from cigarette smoke at home and in daycares.
American Lung Association
Quit smoking, for baby's sake!
The services I provide are offered as non-therapeutic hypnosis, defined as the use of hypnosis to foster positive thinking and the facilitation of self-hypnosis. I do not represent myself as any form of medical, behavioral or mental health care provider.
Can childbirth be safer, more comfortable and even sometimes painless? YES! Learn more at the official HypnoBirthing Institute website.
Fearless Birthing™ Blog
This is where I put interesting birthing videos and spout off about (mostly) birthy stuff.
Iowa Birth Org
Pregnant in Iowa? This should be your very first resource!
Iowa Doula Agency
The first and only of the kind in Iowa!
Willowsong Midwifery
My favorite free-standing birth center in Iowa.
Birthing Midwifery
My favorite midwife practicing in Michigan.
My favorite free-standing birthing center in Wisconsin.
Aurora Health, Oshkosh
My favorite hospital-based midwifery practice in Wisconsin.
Fox Valley Wellness Center/Midwest Hyperbarics™
Learn about the many integrative wellness options are offered at Fox Valley Wellness Center/Midwest Hyperbarics in Fond du Lac, WI. Find out what other options there are to optimize health!
Fond du Lac Center for Spirituality and Healing
The FCSH offers a wide variety of classes and resources for personal growth. They also have a great library and store that carries natural products, essential oils and books.
Mark’s Daily Apple
Mark Sisson's website is a fantastic resource on the very latest in health research.
Healthy Indulgences
I extol the virtues of this website to nearly everyone I meet. The young college student who maintains this site, full of YUMMY gluten- and sugar-free recipes is a genius! My life is enriched for having found this site...and my taste buds and smaller butt thank her!
Homefirst Metabolic Syndrom Protocol
Like me, Dr. Eisenstein has lost a lot of weight using Dr. Simeons' Hcg protocol basics and created his own program to help others do the same. (And I personally think it's perfect that he's also attended so many homebirths! Sort of an odd combination to have in common!)
A page on how to protect infants from cigarette smoke at home and in daycares.
American Lung Association
Quit smoking, for baby's sake!
The services I provide are offered as non-therapeutic hypnosis, defined as the use of hypnosis to foster positive thinking and the facilitation of self-hypnosis. I do not represent myself as any form of medical, behavioral or mental health care provider.